Why Read Our Stories


I am someone who is willing to work on every aspect of my life, I don’t want to be someone who doesn’t improve and either stays the same or decreases in my personal progress. I have a longing to learn more about everything that is a big part of my life. Being personal health, interests, school, and work. I have struggled though out the years with school and feeling like I belong. I’ve grown out of that mindset and have been fighting to set myself up for success. I like to say that I have grown to be mature and understanding over my life and would love to keep growing especially in that aspect..

I am the oldest, I have three youngest siblings. Two are girls, Raya and Illili along with one boy, Ska. I have my father, Mason, and my mother, Brittany.


My life started with my parents being just barely 19 years old. We didn’t have much money. My dad worked days and my mom worked nights.

We had my sister and moved into a duplex with my uncle. We still didn’t have much money but was supported through friends and family

We had our brother and moved into a house that started to fall apart. My father worked really hard to fix what he could but it got too much to handle.

We didn’t have a couple necessities and had a new born, we sold the house whent to a rental then bought the house we live in now.